Individual Therapy

When an obstacle seems insurmountable…

A young man was walking in the woods when he came to the base of an intimidating mountain. Staring in awe, he began to wonder how he could ever get past the huge boulder in his path.

Without any knowledge of this new terrain, he did the only thing he knew to do. He began to push against the giant rock. He spent hours, days, even months trying to leverage his weight to move this obstacle out of the way. Finally, exhausted, the man gave up. Just then, another hiker came along and asked what the young man was doing.

“I’m trying to move this mountain out of my way. I’ve tried pushing, kicking, screaming, crying and even praying! But after all this work, I can’t even get it to budge.”

“Do you mind if I help?” the hiker asked.

“It’s no use,” replied the man. “With all our strength combined, even you and I together can’t move this mountain.”

The hiker stopped and looked directly at the young man. “I’m not interested in moving this mountain. I’m here to teach you to climb.”

Doing the same thing in the same way brings the same result.

There are times in life that we are faced with obstacles we never imagined. In the face of these events, we may try several of our go-to coping skills to manage the pain.

Perhaps these skills have worked for us in the past, but now something seems different – harder.

Despite our best efforts, we find ourselves stuck in patterns that we don’t feel good about. We may be desperate for change, but at a loss about how to make it happen.

Maybe it’s time to learn how to climb.

At Layson Counseling Group, we teach individuals how to access their own strength and leverage that strength to achieve the results they desire in life.

Learning how to use your voice to ask for what you want and need, learning how to set healthy boundaries, and learning how to create the life you’ve imagined is possible. If you’re ready to climb, give us a call at (601) 822-0261.