Men’s Issues

The weight of the world is on my shoulders.

My spouse, my boss, my kids… Everyone needs me to provide for them, and it’s never good enough.

No one recognizes what I contribute, but I hear about it when I mess things up.

I’m constantly living with the pressure that I’ll let them down.

There must be a better way.

The messages have been received loud and clear.

“Real men don’t cry.”

“Toughen up.”

“Get over it.”

The story that we’ve been told is that we should be strong enough to pull through in any and every situation.

The idea of asking for help is equated to weak or somehow less than. We are expected to do it all on our own and never ask for support. Impossible.

Some of us believed that we were only as good as our success. We thought that to be a man meant that we had to figure things out on our own.

We saw our role models as stoic men who lacked emotion, and we believed that we were expected to do the same.

What if there is another way?

Layson Counseling Group specializes in working with men to re-write the stories that we’ve believed for so long.

We believe that men who are emotionally present make better husbands, fathers, and friends.

Men who see the value in their own story are free to live with purpose and passion. These men can authentically connect to the relationships in their lives.

If you’re ready to re-write your story, give us a call today at (601) 822-0261.